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Meet The Team

Backed By Great People,
100% Customer Focused.

The most important asset to our company, is our people. Our team was built with you as our focus.

Roshe Barooni Headshot

Roshe Barooni

Sr. Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 270763
Simone Yallouz-DiPrima Headshot

Simone Yallouz-DiPrima

Sr. Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 270758
Dana Smith Headshot

Dana Smith

Sr. Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 270704
Amir Fathi Headshot

Amir Fathi

Sr. Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 333336
Debbie Gleason HHeadshot

Debbie Gleason

Sr. Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 237257
Rick & Shelley Rockoff Headshot

Shelley Rockoff

Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 243867
Rick & Shelley Rockoff Headshot

Rick Rockoff

Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 243871
Rick Astor Headshot

Rick Astor

Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 237076
Robert Lindberg Headshot

Robert Lindberg

Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 2412361
Tasneem “Taz” Shere

Tasneem “Taz” Shere

Mortgage Consultant
NMLS#: 339598
DRE: 01347886
Sheryl Brownfield Headshot

Sheryl Brownfield

Office Manager

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